Saturday, August 28, 2010

So sorry .....

WOW, it occurred to me when I read my blog , It seamed more like an add. well its really not, I am just so new to blogging--and gathering my thoughts. I wanted this to be more like a how too, than a look at my product. So I with my deepest apologies, I am sorry. I will in the future this will not happen.
    On the good side of my post I did figure out how to keep it together and add pictures. So something positive came of my boo boo.


  1. It totally doesn't sound like an advert! I'm still new to blogging + trying to get the hang of it, too. Keep up the good work!

  2. Thank you Stacy, may be we can learn together.

  3. Hi there! Very cool blog!

    I am your newest fan from #linklove! Hope you will come follow us over to

    Have a great week!
